Implement generic InteractiveDialog scene/script (attach it to an object and set the dialogic timeline and the interaction area)
Added basic dialogue for alistair as example
Dialogue behaviour:
Player needs to go near the entity (collider) with the interactive dialog scene attached. If they are in the area, pressing enter triggers the dialogue. They can continue the dialogue with enter. If they leave the area, the dialogue will close and the next time they open the dialogue with that entity it will start from the beginning.
- Added (Dialogic v1.3) to the project
- Implement generic InteractiveDialog scene/script (attach it to an object and set the dialogic timeline and the interaction area)
- Added basic dialogue for alistair as example
Dialogue behaviour:
Player needs to go near the entity (collider) with the interactive dialog scene attached. If they are in the area, pressing enter triggers the dialogue. They can continue the dialogue with enter. If they leave the area, the dialogue will close and the next time they open the dialogue with that entity it will start from the beginning.
Dialogue behaviour:
Player needs to go near the entity (collider) with the interactive dialog scene attached. If they are in the area, pressing enter triggers the dialogue. They can continue the dialogue with enter. If they leave the area, the dialogue will close and the next time they open the dialogue with that entity it will start from the beginning.
into master 3 years ago72a667ed9b