You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1602 lines
54 KiB
1602 lines
54 KiB
tool |
extends Control |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## The timeline to load when starting the scene |
var timeline: String |
### MODE |
var preview: bool = false |
# Should we show debug information when running: |
var debug_mode := true |
var finished: bool = false |
var waiting_for_answer: bool = false |
var waiting_for_input: bool = false |
# used in events to disable continuing: |
var waiting: bool = false |
var while_dialog_animation: bool = false |
var do_fade_in := true |
var dialog_faded_in_already = false |
# true if the glossary popup is visible: # TODO rename |
var definition_visible: bool = false |
# used to reset the mouse mode after questions: |
var last_mouse_mode = null |
var input_next: String = 'ui_accept' |
var settings: ConfigFile |
var custom_events = {} |
### DATA |
var definitions = {} |
var characters |
# Parsing results |
var questions #for keeping track of the questions answered |
var current_timeline: String = '' |
var dialog_script: Dictionary = {} |
var current_event: Dictionary |
var dialog_index: int = 0 |
var current_background = "" |
# Theme and Audio |
var current_theme: ConfigFile |
var audio_data = {} |
# References |
var button_container = null |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
onready var ChoiceButton = load("res://addons/dialogic/Nodes/ChoiceButton.tscn") |
onready var Portrait = load("res://addons/dialogic/Nodes/Portrait.tscn") |
onready var Background = load("res://addons/dialogic/Nodes/Background.tscn") |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# Event end/start |
signal event_start(type, event) |
signal event_end(type) |
# Text Signals |
signal text_complete(text_data) |
# Timeline end/start |
signal timeline_start(timeline_name) |
signal timeline_end(timeline_name) |
# Custom user signal |
signal dialogic_signal(value) |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
func _ready(): |
# Set this dialog as the latest (used for saving) |
Engine.get_main_loop().set_meta('latest_dialogic_node', self) |
# Loading the config files |
load_config_files() |
update_custom_events() |
# Checking if the dialog should read the code from a external file |
if not timeline.empty(): |
set_current_dialog(timeline) |
elif dialog_script.keys().size() == 0: |
dialog_script = { |
"events":[ |
{'event_id':'dialogic_001', |
"character":"","portrait":"", |
"text":"[Dialogic Error] No timeline specified."}] |
} |
# Load the dialog directly from GDscript |
else: |
load_dialog() |
# Connecting resize signal |
get_viewport().connect("size_changed", self, "resize_main") |
resize_main() |
# Connecting some other timers |
$OptionsDelayedInput.connect("timeout", self, '_on_OptionsDelayedInput_timeout') |
# Setting everything up for the node to be default |
$DefinitionInfo.visible = false |
$TextBubble.connect("text_completed", self, "_on_text_completed") |
$TextBubble.connect("letter_written", self, "_on_letter_written") |
$TextBubble/RichTextLabel.connect('meta_hover_started', self, '_on_RichTextLabel_meta_hover_started') |
$TextBubble/RichTextLabel.connect('meta_hover_ended', self, '_on_RichTextLabel_meta_hover_ended') |
# Getting the character information |
characters = DialogicUtil.get_character_list() |
if Engine.is_editor_hint(): |
if preview: |
get_parent().connect("resized", self, "resize_main") |
_init_dialog() |
$DefinitionInfo.in_theme_editor = true |
else: |
if do_fade_in: _hide_dialog() |
_init_dialog() |
# loads the definitions, themes and settings |
func load_config_files(): |
# defintiions |
if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): |
definitions = Dialogic._get_definitions() |
else: |
definitions = DialogicResources.get_default_definitions() |
# settings |
settings = DialogicResources.get_settings_config() |
# theme |
var theme_file = 'res://addons/dialogic/Editor/ThemeEditor/default-theme.cfg' |
if settings.has_section('theme'): |
theme_file = settings.get_value('theme', 'default') |
current_theme = load_theme(theme_file) |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
func update_custom_events() -> void: |
custom_events = {} |
var path:String = DialogicResources.get_working_directories()["CUSTOM_EVENTS_DIR"] |
var dir = |
if == OK: |
dir.list_dir_begin() |
var file_name = dir.get_next() |
# goes through all the folders in the custom events folder |
while file_name != "": |
# if it found a folder |
if dir.current_is_dir() and not file_name in ['.', '..']: |
# look through that folder |
#print("Found custom event folder: " + file_name) |
var event = load(path.plus_file(file_name).plus_file('EventBlock.tscn')).instance() |
if event: |
custom_events[event.event_data['event_id']] = { |
'event_script' :path.plus_file(file_name).plus_file('event_'+event.event_data['event_id']+'.gd'), |
'event_name' : event.event_name, |
} |
event.queue_free() |
else: |
print("[D] An error occurred when trying to access a custom event.") |
else: |
pass # files in the directory are ignored |
file_name = dir.get_next() |
else: |
print("[D] An error occurred when trying to access the custom event folder.") |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# This function makes sure that the dialog is displayed at the correct |
# size and position in the screen. |
func resize_main(): |
var reference = rect_size |
if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): |
set_global_position(Vector2(0,0)) |
reference = get_viewport().get_visible_rect().size |
# Update box position |
var anchor = current_theme.get_value('box', 'anchor', 9) |
# TODO: remove backups in 2.0 |
var gap_v = current_theme.get_value('box', 'box_margin_v', current_theme.get_value('box', 'bottom_gap', 40)) |
var gap_h = current_theme.get_value('box', 'box_margin_h', current_theme.get_value('box', 'bottom_gap', 40)) |
# first the y position |
if anchor in [0,1,2]: # TOP |
$TextBubble.rect_position.y = gap_h |
elif anchor in [4,5,6]: # CENTER |
$TextBubble.rect_position.y = (reference.y/2)-($TextBubble.rect_size.y/2) |
else: |
$TextBubble.rect_position.y = (reference.y) - ($TextBubble.rect_size.y)-gap_h |
# now x position |
if anchor in [0,4,8]: # LEFT |
$TextBubble.rect_position.x = gap_v |
elif anchor in [1,5,9]: # CENTER |
$TextBubble.rect_position.x = (reference.x / 2) - ($TextBubble.rect_size.x / 2) |
else: |
$TextBubble.rect_position.x = reference.x - ($TextBubble.rect_size.x) - gap_v |
# Update TextBubble background size |
var pos_x = 0 |
if current_theme.get_value('background', 'full_width', false): |
if preview: |
pos_x = get_parent().rect_global_position.x |
$TextBubble/TextureRect.rect_global_position.x = pos_x |
$TextBubble/ColorRect.rect_global_position.x = pos_x |
$TextBubble/TextureRect.rect_size.x = reference.x |
$TextBubble/ColorRect.rect_size.x = reference.x |
else: |
$TextBubble/TextureRect.rect_global_position.x = $TextBubble.rect_global_position.x |
$TextBubble/ColorRect.rect_global_position.x = $TextBubble.rect_global_position.x |
$TextBubble/TextureRect.rect_size.x = $TextBubble.rect_size.x |
$TextBubble/ColorRect.rect_size.x = $TextBubble.rect_size.x |
# Button positioning |
var button_anchor = current_theme.get_value('buttons', 'anchor', 5) |
var anchor_vertical = 1 |
var anchor_horizontal = 1 |
if button_anchor == 0: |
anchor_vertical = 0 |
anchor_horizontal = 0 |
elif button_anchor == 1: |
anchor_vertical = 0 |
elif button_anchor == 2: |
anchor_vertical = 0 |
anchor_horizontal = 2 |
# Number skip because of the separator |
elif button_anchor == 4: |
anchor_horizontal = 0 |
elif button_anchor == 6: |
anchor_horizontal = 2 |
# Number skip because of the separator |
elif button_anchor == 8: |
anchor_vertical = 2 |
anchor_horizontal = 0 |
elif button_anchor == 9: |
anchor_vertical = 2 |
elif button_anchor == 10: |
anchor_vertical = 2 |
anchor_horizontal = 2 |
var theme_choice_offset = current_theme.get_value('buttons', 'offset', Vector2(0,0)) |
var position_offset = Vector2(0,0) |
if anchor_horizontal == 0: |
position_offset.x = (reference.x / 2) * -1 |
elif anchor_horizontal == 1: |
position_offset.x = 0 |
elif anchor_horizontal == 2: |
position_offset.x = (reference.x / 2) |
if anchor_vertical == 0: |
position_offset.y -= (reference.y / 2) |
elif anchor_vertical == 1: |
position_offset.y += 0 |
elif anchor_vertical == 2: |
position_offset.y += (reference.y / 2) |
$Options.rect_global_position = Vector2(0,0) + theme_choice_offset + position_offset |
$Options.rect_size = reference |
# Background positioning |
var background = get_node_or_null('Background') |
if background != null: |
background.rect_size = reference |
var portraits = get_node_or_null('Portraits') |
if portraits != null: |
portraits.rect_position.x = reference.x / 2 |
portraits.rect_position.y = reference.y |
# calls resize_main |
func deferred_resize(current_size, result): |
$TextBubble.rect_size = result |
if current_size != $TextBubble.rect_size: |
resize_main() |
# loads the given theme file |
func load_theme(filename): |
var theme = DialogicResources.get_theme_config(filename) |
# Box size |
call_deferred('deferred_resize', $TextBubble.rect_size, theme.get_value('box', 'size', Vector2(910, 167))) |
# HERE |
var settings_input = settings.get_value('input', 'default_action_key', '[Default]') |
var theme_input = theme.get_value('settings', 'action_key', '[Default]') |
input_next = 'ui_accept' |
if settings_input != '[Default]': |
input_next = settings_input |
if theme_input != '[Default]': |
input_next = theme_input |
$TextBubble.load_theme(theme) |
$DefinitionInfo.load_theme(theme) |
if theme.get_value('buttons', 'layout', 0) == 0: |
button_container = |
else: |
button_container = |
| = 'ButtonContainer' |
button_container.alignment = 1 |
for n in $Options.get_children(): |
n.queue_free() |
$Options.add_child(button_container) |
load_audio(theme) |
return theme |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## AUDIO |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
func load_audio(theme): |
# Audio |
var default_audio_file = "res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Sound Effects/Beep.wav" |
var default_audio_data = { |
'enable': false, |
'path': default_audio_file, |
'volume': 0.0, |
'volume_rand_range': 0.0, |
'pitch': 1.0, |
'pitch_rand_range': 0.0, |
'allow_interrupt': true, |
'audio_bus': AudioServer.get_bus_name(0) |
} |
for audio_node in $FX/Audio.get_children(): |
var name = |
audio_data[name] = theme.get_value('audio', name, default_audio_data) |
var file_system = |
if file_system.dir_exists(audio_data[name].path): |
audio_node.load_samples_from_folder(audio_data[name].path) |
elif file_system.file_exists(audio_data[name].path) or file_system.file_exists(audio_data[name].path + '.import'): |
audio_node.samples = [load(audio_data[name].path)] |
audio_node.set_volume_db(audio_data[name].volume) |
audio_node.random_volume_range = audio_data[name].volume_rand_range |
audio_node.set_pitch_scale(audio_data[name].pitch) |
audio_node.random_pitch_range = audio_data[name].pitch_rand_range |
audio_node.set_bus(audio_data[name].audio_bus) |
func play_audio(name): |
var node = $FX/Audio.get_node(name.capitalize()) |
name = name.to_lower() |
if audio_data[name].enable: |
if audio_data[name].allow_interrupt or not node.is_playing(): |
| |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# load a timeline file and start parsing |
func set_current_dialog(dialog_path: String): |
current_timeline = dialog_path |
dialog_script = DialogicResources.get_timeline_json(dialog_path) |
return load_dialog() |
# set the dialog script directly |
func set_dialog_script(value): |
dialog_script = value |
# starts all necessary parsing |
func load_dialog(): |
# All this parse events should be happening in the same loop ideally |
# But until performance is not an issue I will probably stay lazy |
# And keep adding different functions for each parsing operation. |
if settings.has_section_key('dialog', 'auto_color_names'): |
if settings.get_value('dialog', 'auto_color_names'): |
dialog_script = parse_characters(dialog_script) |
else: |
dialog_script = parse_characters(dialog_script) |
dialog_script = parse_text_lines(dialog_script) |
dialog_script = parse_branches(dialog_script) |
return dialog_script |
# adds name coloring to the dialog texts |
func parse_characters(dialog_script): |
var characters = DialogicUtil.get_character_list() |
var event_index := 0 |
for event in dialog_script['events']: |
# if this is a text or question event |
if event.get('event_id') in ['dialogic_001', 'dialogic_010']: |
var text :String = event.get({'dialogic_001':'text', 'dialogic_010':'question'}[event.get('event_id')], '') |
for character in characters: |
# check whether to use the name or the display name |
var char_names = [character.get('name')] |
if character.get('data', {}).get('display_name_bool', false): |
char_names.append(character.get('display_name')) |
if character.get('data', {}).get('nickname_bool', false): |
for nickname in character.get('data').get('nickname', '').split(',', true, 0): |
char_names.append(nickname.strip_edges()) |
#Regex purposefully excludes [] as replacing those interferes with the second regex |
var escapeRegExp = "(?=[+&|!(){}^\"~*.?:\\\\-])" |
var regex = |
regex.compile(escapeRegExp) |
char_names = regex.sub(str(char_names), "\\", true) |
var regex_thing = str(char_names).replace("[", "(").replace("]", ")").replace(", ", "|")+'\\b' |
regex.compile(regex_thing) |
var counter = 0 |
for result in regex.search_all(text): |
text = text.insert(result.get_start()+((9+8+8)*counter), '[color=#' + character['color'].to_html() + ']') |
text = text.insert(result.get_end()+9+8+((9+8+8)*counter), '[/color]') |
result = |
counter += 1 |
dialog_script['events'][event_index][{'dialogic_001':'text', 'dialogic_010':'question'}[event.get('event_id')]] = text |
event_index += 1 |
return dialog_script |
# removes empty lines, splits message at new lines |
func parse_text_lines(unparsed_dialog_script: Dictionary) -> Dictionary: |
var parsed_dialog: Dictionary = unparsed_dialog_script |
var new_events: Array = [] |
var split_new_lines = true |
var remove_empty_messages = true |
# Return the same thing if it doesn't have events |
if unparsed_dialog_script.has('events') == false: |
return unparsed_dialog_script |
# Getting extra settings |
if settings.has_section_key('dialog', 'remove_empty_messages'): |
remove_empty_messages = settings.get_value('dialog', 'remove_empty_messages') |
if settings.has_section_key('dialog', 'new_lines'): |
split_new_lines = settings.get_value('dialog', 'new_lines') |
# Parsing |
for event in unparsed_dialog_script['events']: |
if event.has('text') and event.has('character') and event.has('portrait'): |
if event['text'].empty() and remove_empty_messages == true: |
pass |
elif '\n' in event['text'] and preview == false and split_new_lines == true: |
var lines = event['text'].split('\n') |
var counter = 0 |
for line in lines: |
if not line.empty(): |
var n_event = { |
'event_id':'dialogic_001', |
'text': line, |
'character': event['character'], |
'portrait': event['portrait'], |
} |
#assigning voices to the new events |
if event.has('voice_data'): |
if event['voice_data'].has(str(counter)): |
n_event['voice_data'] = {'0':event['voice_data'][str(counter)]} |
new_events.append(n_event) |
counter += 1 |
else: |
new_events.append(event) |
else: |
new_events.append(event) |
parsed_dialog['events'] = new_events |
return parsed_dialog |
# adds the alignment BBCode to text events |
func parse_alignment(text): |
var alignment = current_theme.get_value('text', 'alignment', 'Left') |
var fname = current_theme.get_value('settings', 'name', 'none') |
if alignment == 'Center': |
text = '[center]' + text + '[/center]' |
elif alignment == 'Right': |
text = '[right]' + text + '[/right]' |
return text |
# creates a list of questions to be used at the end of choices |
func parse_branches(dialog_script: Dictionary) -> Dictionary: |
questions = [] # Resetting the questions |
# Return the same thing if it doesn't have events |
if dialog_script.has('events') == false: |
return dialog_script |
var parser_queue = [] # This saves the last question opened, and it gets removed once it was consumed by a endbranch event |
var event_idx: int = 0 # The current id for jumping later on |
var question_idx: int = 0 # identifying the questions to assign options to it |
for event in dialog_script['events']: |
if event['event_id'] == 'dialogic_011': |
var opened_branch = parser_queue.back() |
var option = { |
'question_idx': opened_branch['question_idx'], |
'label': parse_definitions(event['choice'], true, false), |
'event_idx': event_idx, |
} |
if event.has('condition') and event.has('definition') and event.has('value'): |
option = { |
'question_idx': opened_branch['question_idx'], |
'label': parse_definitions(event['choice'], true, false), |
'event_idx': event_idx, |
'condition': event['condition'], |
'definition': event['definition'], |
'value': event['value'], |
} |
else: |
option = { |
'question_idx': opened_branch['question_idx'], |
'label': parse_definitions(event['choice'], true, false), |
'event_idx': event_idx, |
'condition': '', |
'definition': '', |
'value': '', |
} |
dialog_script['events'][opened_branch['event_idx']]['options'].append(option) |
event['question_idx'] = opened_branch['question_idx'] |
elif event['event_id'] == 'dialogic_010': |
event['event_idx'] = event_idx |
event['question_idx'] = question_idx |
event['answered'] = false |
question_idx += 1 |
questions.append(event) |
parser_queue.append(event) |
elif event['event_id'] == 'dialogic_012': |
event['event_idx'] = event_idx |
event['question_idx'] = question_idx |
event['answered'] = false |
question_idx += 1 |
questions.append(event) |
parser_queue.append(event) |
elif event['event_id'] == 'dialogic_013': |
event['event_idx'] = event_idx |
var opened_branch = parser_queue.pop_back() |
event['end_branch_of'] = opened_branch['question_idx'] |
dialog_script['events'][opened_branch['event_idx']]['end_idx'] = event_idx |
event_idx += 1 |
return dialog_script |
# returns the text but with BBcode for glossary and the values of the variables |
func parse_definitions(text: String, variables: bool = true, glossary: bool = true): |
var final_text: String = text |
if not preview: |
definitions = Dialogic._get_definitions() |
if variables: |
final_text = _insert_variable_definitions(text) |
if glossary and _should_show_glossary(): |
final_text = _insert_glossary_definitions(final_text) |
return final_text |
# adds the values of the variables |
func _insert_variable_definitions(text: String): |
var final_text := text; |
for d in definitions['variables']: |
var name : String = d['name']; |
final_text = final_text.replace('[' + name + ']', d['value']) |
return final_text; |
# adds the BBCode for the glossary words |
func _insert_glossary_definitions(text: String): |
var color = current_theme.get_value('definitions', 'color', '#ffbebebe') |
var final_text := text; |
# I should use regex here, but this is way easier :) |
for d in definitions['glossary']: |
final_text = final_text.replace(d['name'], |
'[url=' + d['id'] + ']' + |
'[color=' + color + ']' + d['name'] + '[/color]' + |
'[/url]' |
) |
return final_text; |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# checks if NextIndicator and ChoiceButtons should be visible |
func _process(delta): |
$TextBubble/NextIndicatorContainer/NextIndicator.visible = finished |
if button_container.get_child_count() > 0: |
$TextBubble/NextIndicatorContainer/NextIndicator.visible = false # Hide if question |
if waiting_for_answer and Input.is_action_just_released(input_next): |
button_container.get_child(0).grab_focus() |
# Hide if no input is required |
if current_event.has('text'): |
if '[nw]' in current_event['text'] or '[nw=' in current_event['text']: |
$TextBubble/NextIndicatorContainer/NextIndicator.visible = false |
# Hide if fading in |
if while_dialog_animation: |
$TextBubble/NextIndicatorContainer/NextIndicator.visible = false |
# checks for the "input_next" action |
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void: |
if not Engine.is_editor_hint() and event.is_action_pressed(input_next) and not waiting: |
if not $TextBubble.is_finished(): |
# Skip to end if key is pressed during the text animation |
$TextBubble.skip() |
# Cut the voice |
$FX/CharacterVoice.stop_voice() |
else: |
if waiting_for_answer == false and waiting_for_input == false and while_dialog_animation == false: |
$FX/CharacterVoice.stop_voice() # stop the current voice as well |
play_audio("passing") |
_load_next_event() |
if settings.has_section_key('dialog', 'propagate_input'): |
var propagate_input: bool = settings.get_value('dialog', 'propagate_input') |
if not propagate_input: |
get_tree().set_input_as_handled() |
# when the text finished showing |
# plays audio, adds buttons, handles [nw] |
func _on_text_completed(): |
emit_signal('text_complete', current_event) |
play_audio('waiting') |
finished = true |
# Add the choice buttons for questions |
if current_event.has('options'): |
var waiting_until_options_enabled = float(settings.get_value('input', 'delay_after_options', 0.1)) |
$OptionsDelayedInput.start(waiting_until_options_enabled) |
for o in current_event['options']: |
add_choice_button(o) |
if current_event.has('text'): |
# [p] needs more work |
# Setting the timer for how long to wait in the [nw] events |
if '[nw]' in current_event['text'] or '[nw=' in current_event['text']: |
var waiting_time = 2 |
var current_index = dialog_index |
if '[nw=' in current_event['text']: # Regex stuff |
var regex = |
regex.compile("\\[nw=(.+?)\\](.*?)") |
var result =['text']) |
var wait_settings = result.get_string() |
waiting_time = float(wait_settings.split('=')[1]) |
yield(get_tree().create_timer(waiting_time), "timeout") |
if dialog_index == current_index: |
_load_next_event() |
# emits timeline_start and handles autosaving |
func on_timeline_start(): |
if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): |
if settings.get_value('saving', 'autosave', true): |
# save to the default slot |
|'', true) |
# TODO remove event_start in 2.0 |
emit_signal("event_start", "timeline", current_timeline) |
emit_signal("timeline_start", current_timeline) |
# emits timeline_end and handles autosaving |
func on_timeline_end(): |
if not Engine.is_editor_hint(): |
if settings.get_value('saving', 'autosave', true): |
# save to the default slot |
|'', true) |
# TODO remove event_end in 2.0 |
emit_signal("event_end", "timeline") |
emit_signal("timeline_end", current_timeline) |
dprint('[D] Timeline End') |
# does checks and calls the above functions |
func _emit_timeline_signals(): |
if dialog_script.has('events'): |
if dialog_index == 0: |
on_timeline_start() |
elif _is_dialog_finished(): |
on_timeline_end() |
# resets dialog_index and starts first event |
func _init_dialog(): |
dialog_index = 0 |
_load_event() |
# jumps to the event at the given index |
func _load_event_at_index(index: int): |
dialog_index = index |
_load_event() |
# loads the next event |
func _load_next_event(): |
dialog_index += 1 |
_load_event() |
# returns true if dialog_index is outside of the events indexes |
func _is_dialog_finished(): |
return dialog_index >= dialog_script['events'].size() |
# calls the event_handler |
func _load_event(): |
_emit_timeline_signals() |
_hide_definition_popup() |
if dialog_script.has('events'): |
if not _is_dialog_finished(): |
var func_state = event_handler(dialog_script['events'][dialog_index]) |
#if (func_state is GDScriptFunctionState): |
# print(func_state) |
# yield(func_state, "completed") |
elif not Engine.is_editor_hint(): |
# Do not free the dialog if we are in the preview |
queue_free() |
# Handling an event and updating the available nodes accordingly. |
func event_handler(event: Dictionary): |
$TextBubble.reset() |
reset_options() |
dprint('[D] Current Event: ', event) |
current_event = event |
match event['event_id']: |
# Text Event |
'dialogic_001': |
emit_signal("event_start", "text", event) |
fade_in_dialog() |
finished = false |
if event.has('character'): |
var character_data = get_character(event['character']) |
update_name(character_data) |
grab_portrait_focus(character_data, event) |
#voice |
handle_voice(event) |
update_text(event['text']) |
# Join event |
'dialogic_002': |
emit_signal("event_start", "action", event) |
if event['character'] == '':# No character found on the event. Skip. |
_load_next_event() |
else: |
var character_data = get_character(event['character']) |
if portrait_exists(character_data): |
for portrait in $Portraits.get_children(): |
if portrait.character_data == character_data: |
portrait.move_to_position(get_character_position(event['position'])) |
portrait.set_mirror(event.get('mirror', false)) |
portrait.current_state['position'] = event['position'] |
else: |
var p = Portrait.instance() |
var char_portrait = event['portrait'] |
if char_portrait == '': |
char_portrait = 'Default' |
if char_portrait == '[Definition]' and event.has('port_defn'): |
var portrait_definition = event['port_defn'] |
if portrait_definition != '': |
for d in DialogicResources.get_default_definitions()['variables']: |
if d['id'] == portrait_definition: |
char_portrait = d['value'] |
break |
if current_theme.get_value('settings', 'single_portrait_mode', false): |
p.single_portrait_mode = true |
p.character_data = character_data |
p.init(char_portrait) |
p.set_mirror(event.get('mirror', false)) |
$Portraits.add_child(p) |
p.move_to_position(get_character_position(event['position'])) |
p.current_state['character'] = event['character'] |
p.current_state['position'] = event['position'] |
_load_next_event() |
# Character Leave event |
'dialogic_003': |
emit_signal("event_start", "action", event) |
if event['character'] == '[All]': |
characters_leave_all() |
else: |
for p in $Portraits.get_children(): |
if p.character_data['file'] == event['character']: |
p.fade_out() |
_load_next_event() |
# Question event |
'dialogic_010': |
emit_signal("event_start", "question", event) |
fade_in_dialog() |
finished = false |
waiting_for_answer = true |
if event.has('name'): |
update_name(event['name']) |
elif event.has('character'): |
var character_data = get_character(event['character']) |
update_name(character_data) |
grab_portrait_focus(character_data, event) |
#voice |
handle_voice(event) |
update_text(event['question']) |
# Choice event |
'dialogic_011': |
emit_signal("event_start", "choice", event) |
for q in questions: |
if q['question_idx'] == event['question_idx']: |
if q['answered']: |
# If the option is for an answered question, skip to the end of it. |
_load_event_at_index(q['end_idx']) |
# Condition event |
'dialogic_012': |
# Treating this conditional as an option on a regular question event |
var def_value = null |
var current_question = questions[event['question_idx']] |
for d in definitions['variables']: |
if d['id'] == event['definition']: |
def_value = d['value'] |
var condition_met = def_value != null and _compare_definitions(def_value, event['value'], event['condition']); |
current_question['answered'] = !condition_met |
if !condition_met: |
# condition not met, skipping branch |
_load_event_at_index(current_question['end_idx']) |
else: |
# condition met, entering branch |
_load_next_event() |
# End Branch event |
'dialogic_013': |
emit_signal("event_start", "endbranch", event) |
_load_next_event() |
# Set Value event |
'dialogic_014': |
emit_signal("event_start", "set_value", event) |
var operation = '=' |
if 'operation' in event and not event['operation'].empty(): |
operation = event["operation"] |
var value = event['set_value'] |
if event.get('set_random', false): |
value = str(randi()%int(event.get("random_upper_limit", 100)-event.get('random_lower_limit', 0))+event.get('random_lower_limit', 0)) |
Dialogic.set_variable_from_id(event['definition'], value, operation) |
_load_next_event() |
# Change Timeline event |
'dialogic_020': |
dialog_script = set_current_dialog(event['change_timeline']) |
_init_dialog() |
# Change Backround event |
'dialogic_021': |
emit_signal("event_start", "background", event) |
var fade_time = event.get('fade_duration', 1) |
var value = event.get('background', '') |
var background = get_node_or_null('Background') |
current_background = event['background'] |
if background != null: |
| = "BackgroundFadingOut" |
background.fade_out(fade_time) |
background = null |
if value != '': |
background = Background.instance() |
add_child(background) |
if (event['background'].ends_with('.tscn')): |
var bg_scene = load(event['background']) |
bg_scene = bg_scene.instance() |
background.modulate = Color(1,1,1,0) |
background.fade_in(fade_time) |
background.add_child(bg_scene) |
else: |
background.texture = load(value) |
background.create_tween() |
background.fade_in(fade_time) |
call_deferred('resize_main') # Executing the resize main to update the background size |
_load_next_event() |
# Close Dialog event |
'dialogic_022': |
emit_signal("event_start", "close_dialog", event) |
while_dialog_animation = true |
var transition_duration = event.get('transition_duration', 1.0) |
# fade out characters |
characters_leave_all() |
# fade out background |
var background = get_node_or_null('Background') |
if background != null: |
| = 'BackgroundFadingOut' |
background.fade_out(transition_duration) |
if transition_duration != 0: |
var tween = |
add_child(tween) |
tween.interpolate_property($TextBubble, "modulate", |
$TextBubble.modulate, Color('#00ffffff'), transition_duration, |
tween.start() |
yield(tween, "tween_all_completed") |
on_timeline_end() |
queue_free() |
# Wait seconds event |
'dialogic_023': |
emit_signal("event_start", "wait", event) |
$TextBubble.visible = false |
waiting = true |
yield(get_tree().create_timer(event['wait_seconds']), "timeout") |
waiting = false |
$TextBubble.visible = true |
emit_signal("event_end", "wait") |
_load_next_event() |
# Set Theme event |
'dialogic_024': |
emit_signal("event_start", "set_theme", event) |
if event['set_theme'] != '': |
current_theme = load_theme(event['set_theme']) |
resize_main() |
_load_next_event() |
# Set Glossary event |
'dialogic_025': |
emit_signal("event_start", "set_glossary", event) |
if event['glossary_id']: |
Dialogic.set_glossary_from_id(event['glossary_id'], event['title'], event['text'],event['extra']) |
_load_next_event() |
# Save event |
'dialogic_026': |
emit_signal('event_start', 'save', event) |
var custom_slot :String = event.get('custom_slot', '').strip_edges() |
if event.get('use_default_slot', true) or custom_slot == '': |
| |
else: |
if custom_slot.begins_with("[") and custom_slot.ends_with("]"): |
custom_slot = custom_slot.trim_prefix("[").trim_suffix("]") |
var saved = false |
for definition in definitions['variables']: |
if definition['name'] == custom_slot: |
|['value']) |
saved = true |
if not saved: |
print("[D] Tried to access value definition '"+custom_slot+"' for saving, but it didn't exist.") |
else: |
| |
_load_next_event() |
# Audio event |
'dialogic_030': |
emit_signal("event_start", "audio", event) |
if event['audio'] == 'play' and 'file' in event.keys() and not event['file'].empty(): |
var audio = get_node_or_null('AudioEvent') |
if audio == null: |
audio = |
| = 'AudioEvent' |
add_child(audio) |
if event.has('audio_bus'): |
if AudioServer.get_bus_index(event['audio_bus']) >= 0: |
audio.bus = event['audio_bus'] |
if event.has('volume'): |
audio.volume_db = event['volume'] |
| = load(event['file']) |
| |
else: |
var audio = get_node_or_null('AudioEvent') |
if audio != null: |
audio.stop() |
audio.queue_free() |
_load_next_event() |
# Background Music event |
'dialogic_031': |
emit_signal("event_start", "background-music", event) |
if event['background-music'] == 'play' and 'file' in event.keys() and not event['file'].empty(): |
$FX/BackgroundMusic.crossfade_to(event['file'], event.get('audio_bus', 'Master'), event.get('volume', 0), event.get('fade_length', 1)) |
else: |
$FX/BackgroundMusic.fade_out(event.get('fade_length', 1)) |
_load_next_event() |
# Emit signal event |
'dialogic_040': |
dprint('[!] Emitting signal: dialogic_signal(', event['emit_signal'], ')') |
emit_signal("dialogic_signal", event['emit_signal']) |
_load_next_event() |
# Change Scene event |
'dialogic_041': |
if event.has('scene'): |
get_tree().change_scene(event['scene']) |
elif event.has('change_scene'): |
get_tree().change_scene(event['change_scene']) |
# Call Node event |
'dialogic_042': |
dprint('[!] Call Node signal: dialogic_signal(call_node) ', var2str(event['call_node'])) |
emit_signal("event_start", "call_node", event) |
$TextBubble.visible = false |
waiting = true |
var target = get_node_or_null(event['call_node']['target_node_path']) |
if not target: |
target = get_tree().root.get_node_or_null(event['call_node']['target_node_path']) |
var method_name = event['call_node']['method_name'] |
var args = event['call_node']['arguments'] |
if (not args is Array): |
args = [] |
if (target != null): |
if (target.has_method(method_name)): |
if (args.empty()): |
var func_result = |
if (func_result is GDScriptFunctionState): |
yield(func_result, "completed") |
else: |
var func_result =, args) |
if (func_result is GDScriptFunctionState): |
yield(func_result, "completed") |
waiting = false |
$TextBubble.visible = true |
_load_next_event() |
_: |
if event['event_id'] in custom_events.keys(): |
dprint("[D] Custom event '"+custom_events[event['event_id']]['event_name']+"'") |
var handler = |
handler.set_script(load(custom_events[event['event_id']]['event_script'])) |
handler.handle_event(event, self) |
else: |
visible = false |
dprint('[D] No event found. Recevied data: ', event) |
$Options.visible = waiting_for_answer |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# updates the Name Label |
func update_name(character) -> void: |
if character.has('name'): |
var parsed_name = character['name'] |
if character.has('display_name'): |
if character['display_name'] != '': |
parsed_name = character['display_name'] |
parsed_name = parse_definitions(parsed_name, true, false) |
$TextBubble.update_name(parsed_name, character.get('color', Color.white), current_theme.get_value('name', 'auto_color', true)) |
else: |
$TextBubble.update_name('') |
# shows the given text in the Text Bubble |
# handles the simple translation feature |
func update_text(text: String) -> String: |
if settings.has_section_key('dialog', 'translations') and settings.get_value('dialog', 'translations'): |
text = tr(text) |
var final_text = parse_definitions(parse_alignment(text)) |
final_text = final_text.replace('[br]', '\n') |
$TextBubble.update_text(final_text) |
return final_text |
# plays a sound |
func _on_letter_written(): |
play_audio('typing') |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# called when a choice is selected |
# hides choices, sets question as answered and jumps to the appropriate event |
func answer_question(i, event_idx, question_idx): |
if $TextBubble.is_finished(): # CHECK IF NECESSARY! |
dprint('[!] Going to ', event_idx + 1, i, 'question_idx:', question_idx) |
play_audio("selecting") |
reset_options() |
# set flags and continue dialog |
waiting_for_answer = false |
questions[question_idx]['answered'] = true |
_load_event_at_index(event_idx + 1) |
# Revert to last mouse mode when selection is done |
if last_mouse_mode != null: |
Input.set_mouse_mode(last_mouse_mode) |
last_mouse_mode = null |
# deletest the choice buttons |
func reset_options(): |
# Clearing out the options after one was selected. |
for option in button_container.get_children(): |
option.queue_free() |
# adds a button for the given choice |
func add_choice_button(option: Dictionary): |
if not _should_add_choice_button(option): |
return |
var button |
if use_custom_choice_button(): |
button = get_custom_choice_button(option['label']) |
else: |
button = get_classic_choice_button(option['label']) |
if use_native_choice_button() or use_custom_choice_button(): |
button_container.set('custom_constants/separation', current_theme.get_value('buttons', 'gap', 20)) |
button_container.add_child(button) |
# Selecting the first button added |
if button_container.get_child_count() == 1: |
button.grab_focus() |
# Adding audio when focused or hovered |
button.connect('focus_entered', self, '_on_option_hovered', [button]) |
button.connect('mouse_entered', self, '_on_option_focused') |
button.set_meta('event_idx', option['event_idx']) |
button.set_meta('question_idx', option['question_idx']) |
if Input.get_mouse_mode() != Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE: |
last_mouse_mode = Input.get_mouse_mode() |
Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE) # Make sure the cursor is visible for the options selection |
# checks the condition of the given option |
func _should_add_choice_button(option: Dictionary): |
if not option['definition'].empty(): |
var def_value = null |
for d in definitions['variables']: |
if d['id'] == option['definition']: |
def_value = d['value'] |
return def_value != null and _compare_definitions(def_value, option['value'], option['condition']); |
else: |
return true |
# checks the 'custom_choice_button' setting |
func use_custom_choice_button(): |
return current_theme.get_value('buttons', 'use_custom', false) and not current_theme.get_value('buttons', 'custom_path', "").empty() |
# checks the 'native_choice_button' setting |
func use_native_choice_button(): |
return current_theme.get_value('buttons', 'use_native', false) |
# instances a custom choice |
func get_custom_choice_button(label: String): |
var theme = current_theme |
var custom_path = current_theme.get_value('buttons', 'custom_path', "") |
var CustomChoiceButton = load(custom_path) |
var button = CustomChoiceButton.instance() |
button.text = label |
return button |
# instances a normal dialogic button |
func get_classic_choice_button(label: String): |
var theme = current_theme |
var button : Button = ChoiceButton.instance() |
button.text = label |
button.set_meta('input_next', input_next) |
# Removing the blue selected border |
button.set('custom_styles/focus', |
# Text |
button.set('custom_fonts/font', DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(theme.get_value('text', 'font', "res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Fonts/DefaultFont.tres"))) |
if not use_native_choice_button(): |
if theme.get_value('buttons', 'fixed', false): |
var size = theme.get_value('buttons', 'fixed_size', Vector2(130,40)) |
button.rect_min_size = size |
button.rect_size = size |
button_container.set('custom_constants/separation', theme.get_value('buttons', 'gap', 20)) |
# Different styles |
var default_background = 'res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/backgrounds/background-2.png' |
var default_style = [ |
false, # 0 $TextColor/CheckBox |
Color.white, # 1 $TextColor/ColorPickerButton |
false, # 2 $FlatBackground/CheckBox |
|, # 3 $FlatBackground/ColorPickerButton |
true, # 4 $BackgroundTexture/CheckBox |
default_background, # 5 $BackgroundTexture/Button |
false, # 6 $TextureModulation/CheckBox |
Color.white, # 7 $TextureModulation/ColorPickerButton |
] |
var style_normal = theme.get_value('buttons', 'normal', default_style) |
var style_hover = theme.get_value('buttons', 'hover', default_style) |
var style_pressed = theme.get_value('buttons', 'pressed', default_style) |
var style_disabled = theme.get_value('buttons', 'disabled', default_style) |
# Text color |
var default_color = Color(theme.get_value('text', 'color', '#ffffff')) |
button.set('custom_colors/font_color', default_color) |
button.set('custom_colors/font_color_hover', default_color.lightened(0.2)) |
button.set('custom_colors/font_color_pressed', default_color.darkened(0.2)) |
button.set('custom_colors/font_color_disabled', default_color.darkened(0.8)) |
if style_normal[0]: |
button.set('custom_colors/font_color', style_normal[1]) |
if style_hover[0]: |
button.set('custom_colors/font_color_hover', style_hover[1]) |
if style_pressed[0]: |
button.set('custom_colors/font_color_pressed', style_pressed[1]) |
if style_disabled[0]: |
button.set('custom_colors/font_color_disabled', style_disabled[1]) |
# Style normal |
button_style_setter('normal', style_normal, button, theme) |
button_style_setter('hover', style_hover, button, theme) |
button_style_setter('pressed', style_pressed, button, theme) |
button_style_setter('disabled', style_disabled, button, theme) |
return button |
# adds parts of a style to the given button |
func button_style_setter(section, data, button, theme): |
var style_box = |
if data[2]: |
# I'm using a white texture to do the flat style because otherwise the padding doesn't work. |
style_box.set('texture', DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load("res://addons/dialogic/Images/Plugin/white-texture.png")) |
style_box.set('modulate_color', data[3]) |
else: |
if data[4]: |
style_box.set('texture', DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(data[5])) |
if data[6]: |
style_box.set('modulate_color', data[7]) |
# Padding |
var padding = theme.get_value('buttons', 'padding', Vector2(5,5)) |
style_box.set('margin_left', padding.x) |
style_box.set('margin_right', padding.x) |
style_box.set('margin_top', padding.y) |
style_box.set('margin_bottom', padding.y) |
button.set('custom_styles/' + section, style_box) |
# focuses button on hover |
func _on_option_hovered(button): |
button.grab_focus() |
# plays the sound |
func _on_option_focused(): |
play_audio("hovering") |
# connects the signals after a short delay to make accidental clicking less likely |
func _on_OptionsDelayedInput_timeout(): |
for button in button_container.get_children(): |
if button.is_connected("pressed", self, "answer_question") == false: |
button.connect("pressed", self, "answer_question", [button, button.get_meta('event_idx'), button.get_meta('question_idx')]) |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# plays the voice line of the event |
func handle_voice(event): |
var settings_file = DialogicResources.get_settings_config() |
if not settings_file.get_value('dialog', 'text_event_audio_enable', false): |
return |
# In game only |
if Engine.is_editor_hint(): |
return |
if event.has('voice_data'): |
var voice_data = event['voice_data'] |
if voice_data.has('0'): |
$FX/CharacterVoice.play_voice(voice_data['0']) |
return |
$FX/CharacterVoice.stop_voice() |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# defocuses all characters except the given one |
func grab_portrait_focus(character_data, event: Dictionary = {}) -> bool: |
var exists = false |
var visually_focus = true |
if settings.has_section_key('dialog', 'dim_characters'): |
visually_focus = settings.get_value('dialog', 'dim_characters') |
for portrait in $Portraits.get_children(): |
if portrait.character_data == character_data: |
exists = true |
if visually_focus: |
portrait.focus() |
if event.has('portrait'): |
if event['portrait'] != '': |
portrait.set_portrait(event['portrait']) |
else: |
if visually_focus: |
portrait.focusout() |
return exists |
# returns true if the a portrait for that character already exists |
func portrait_exists(character_data) -> bool: |
var exists = false |
for portrait in $Portraits.get_children(): |
if portrait.character_data == character_data: |
exists = true |
return exists |
# converts PORTRAIT-WEIRDNESS to a word |
func get_character_position(positions) -> String: |
if positions['0']: |
return 'left' |
if positions['1']: |
return 'center_left' |
if positions['2']: |
return 'center' |
if positions['3']: |
return 'center_right' |
if positions['4']: |
return 'right' |
return 'left' |
# moves out all portraits |
func characters_leave_all(): |
var portraits = get_node_or_null('Portraits') |
if portraits != null: |
for p in portraits.get_children(): |
p.fade_out() |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# cheks the 'show_glossary' setting |
func _should_show_glossary(): |
if current_theme != null: |
return current_theme.get_value('definitions', 'show_glossary', true) |
return true |
# shows the glossary popup |
func _on_RichTextLabel_meta_hover_started(meta): |
var correct_type = false |
for d in definitions['glossary']: |
if d['id'] == meta: |
$DefinitionInfo.load_preview({ |
'title': d['title'], |
'body': parse_definitions(d['text'], true, false), # inserts variables but not other glossary items! |
'extra': d['extra'], |
}) |
correct_type = true |
dprint('[D] Hovered over glossary entry: ', d) |
if correct_type: |
definition_visible = true |
$DefinitionInfo.visible = definition_visible |
# Adding a timer to avoid a graphical glitch |
$DefinitionInfo/Timer.stop() |
# hides the glossary popup |
func _on_RichTextLabel_meta_hover_ended(meta): |
# Adding a timer to avoid a graphical glitch |
$DefinitionInfo/Timer.start(0.1) |
# hides the glossary popup |
func _hide_definition_popup(): |
definition_visible = false |
$DefinitionInfo.visible = definition_visible |
# (actually) hides the glossary popup |
func _on_Definition_Timer_timeout(): |
# Adding a timer to avoid a graphical glitch |
definition_visible = false |
$DefinitionInfo.visible = definition_visible |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# prints multiple strings if debug_mode is true |
func dprint(string, arg1='', arg2='', arg3='', arg4='' ): |
# HAHAHA if you are here wondering what this is... |
# I ask myself the same question :') |
if debug_mode: |
print(str(string) + str(arg1) + str(arg2) + str(arg3) + str(arg4)) |
# helper that allows to get a character by file |
func get_character(character_id): |
for c in characters: |
if c['file'] == character_id: |
return c |
return {} |
# returns the result of the given dialogic comparison |
func _compare_definitions(def_value: String, event_value: String, condition: String): |
var condition_met = false; |
if def_value != null and event_value != null: |
# check if event_value equals a definition name and use that instead |
for d in definitions['variables']: |
if (d['name'] != '' and d['name'] == event_value): |
event_value = d['value'] |
break; |
var converted_def_value = def_value |
var converted_event_value = event_value |
if def_value.is_valid_float() and event_value.is_valid_float(): |
converted_def_value = float(def_value) |
converted_event_value = float(event_value) |
if condition == '': |
condition = '==' # The default condition is Equal to |
match condition: |
"==": |
condition_met = converted_def_value == converted_event_value |
"!=": |
condition_met = converted_def_value != converted_event_value |
">": |
condition_met = converted_def_value > converted_event_value |
">=": |
condition_met = converted_def_value >= converted_event_value |
"<": |
condition_met = converted_def_value < converted_event_value |
"<=": |
condition_met = converted_def_value <= converted_event_value |
#print('comparing definition: ', def_value, ',', event_value, ',', condition, ' - ', condition_met) |
return condition_met |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# ähm... no clue. What is this @emilio? |
# TODO wtf is this name? |
func _hide_dialog(): |
$TextBubble.update_text('') # Clearing the text |
$TextBubble.modulate = Color(1,1,1,0) |
while_dialog_animation = true |
dialog_faded_in_already = false |
# start a fade in animation |
func fade_in_dialog(time = 0.5): |
visible = true |
time = current_theme.get_value('animation', 'show_time', 0.5) |
var has_tween = false |
if Engine.is_editor_hint() == false: |
if dialog_faded_in_already == false: |
var tween = |
add_child(tween) |
# The tween created ('fade_in_tween_show_time') is also reference for the $TextBubble |
# node to know if it should start showing up the letters of the dialog or not. |
| = 'fade_in_tween_show_time' |
$TextBubble.modulate.a = 0 |
tween.interpolate_property($TextBubble, "modulate", |
$TextBubble.modulate, Color(1,1,1,1), time, |
tween.start() |
tween.connect("tween_completed", self, "finished_fade_in_dialog", [tween]) |
has_tween = true |
if has_tween: |
while_dialog_animation = false |
dialog_faded_in_already = true |
# at the end of fade animation, reset flags |
func finished_fade_in_dialog(object, key, node): |
node.queue_free() |
while_dialog_animation = false |
dialog_faded_in_already = true |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
# returns all important data in a dictionary to be saved |
func get_current_state_info(): |
var state = {} |
# visible characters: |
state["portraits"] = [] |
for portrait in $Portraits.get_children(): |
state['portraits'].append(portrait.current_state) |
# background music: |
state['background_music'] = $FX/BackgroundMusic.get_current_info() |
# current_timeline and event |
state["timeline"] = current_timeline |
state['event_idx'] = dialog_index |
# current background |
state['background'] = current_background |
return state |
# loads all important data from a dictionary |
func resume_state_from_info(state_info): |
# wait until the dialog node was added to the tree |
do_fade_in = false |
yield(self, "ready") |
#print(state_info) |
# load the characters |
for saved_portrait in state_info['portraits']: |
var event = saved_portrait |
# this code is ALL copied from the event_handler. So I should probably outsource it to a function... |
var character_data = get_character(event['character']) |
if portrait_exists(character_data): |
for portrait in $Portraits.get_children(): |
if portrait.character_data == character_data: |
portrait.move_to_position(get_character_position(event['position'])) |
portrait.set_mirror(event.get('mirror', false)) |
else: |
var p = Portrait.instance() |
var char_portrait = event['portrait'] |
if char_portrait == '': |
char_portrait = 'Default' |
if char_portrait == '[Definition]' and event.has('port_defn'): |
var portrait_definition = event['port_defn'] |
if portrait_definition != '': |
for d in DialogicResources.get_default_definitions()['variables']: |
if d['id'] == portrait_definition: |
char_portrait = d['value'] |
break |
if current_theme.get_value('settings', 'single_portrait_mode', false): |
p.single_portrait_mode = true |
p.character_data = character_data |
p.init(char_portrait) |
p.set_mirror(event.get('mirror', false)) |
$Portraits.add_child(p) |
p.move_to_position(get_character_position(event['position']), 0) |
# this info is only used to save the state later |
p.current_state['character'] = event['character'] |
p.current_state['position'] = event['position'] |
# load the background music |
if state_info['background_music'] != null: |
$FX/BackgroundMusic.crossfade_to(state_info['background_music']['file'], state_info['background_music']['audio_bus'], state_info['background_music']['volume'], 1) |
# load the background image |
if state_info['background']: |
current_background = state_info['background'] |
var background = Background.instance() |
call_deferred('resize_main') # Executing the resize main to update the background size |
add_child(background) |
if (current_background.ends_with('.tscn')): |
var bg_scene = load(current_background) |
if (bg_scene): |
bg_scene = bg_scene.instance() |
background.add_child(bg_scene) |
elif (current_background != ''): |
background.texture = load(current_background) |
# load the timeline and event |
set_current_dialog(state_info['timeline']) |
# mark all previous question events as "answered" |
for event_index in range(0, state_info['event_idx']): |
if dialog_script['events'][event_index]['event_id'] == 'dialogic_010': |
dialog_script['events'][event_index]['answered'] = true |