You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
242 lines
9.0 KiB
242 lines
9.0 KiB
tool |
extends Control |
var text_speed := 0.02 # Higher = lower speed |
var theme_text_speed = text_speed |
onready var text_label = $RichTextLabel |
onready var name_label = $NameLabel |
onready var next_indicator = $NextIndicatorContainer/NextIndicator |
var _finished := false |
var _theme |
signal text_completed() |
signal letter_written() |
## ***************************************************************************** |
## ***************************************************************************** |
func update_name(name: String, color: Color = Color.white, autocolor: bool=false) -> void: |
if not name.empty(): |
name_label.visible = true |
# Hack to reset the size |
name_label.rect_min_size = Vector2(0, 0) |
name_label.rect_size = Vector2(-1, 40) |
# Setting the color and text |
name_label.text = name |
# Alignment |
call_deferred('align_name_label') |
if autocolor: |
name_label.set('custom_colors/font_color', color) |
else: |
name_label.visible = false |
func update_text(text): |
var regex = |
var result = null |
# Removing commands from the text |
#text = text.replace('[p]', '') |
text = text.replace('[nw]', '') |
if '[nw=' in text: |
regex.compile("\\[nw=(.+?)\\](.*?)") |
result = |
if result: |
var wait_settings = result.get_string() |
text = text.replace(wait_settings, '') |
result = null |
# Speed |
text_speed = theme_text_speed # Resetting the speed to the default |
# Regexing the speed tag |
regex.compile("\\[speed=(.+?)\\](.*?)") |
result = |
if result: |
var speed_settings = result.get_string() |
var value = float(speed_settings.split('=')[1]) * 0.01 |
text_speed = value |
text = text.replace(speed_settings, '') |
# Updating the text and starting the animation from 0 |
text_label.bbcode_text = text |
text_label.visible_characters = 0 |
text_label.grab_focus() |
start_text_timer() |
return true |
func is_finished(): |
return _finished |
func skip(): |
text_label.visible_characters = -1 |
_handle_text_completed() |
func reset(): |
name_label.text = '' |
name_label.visible = false |
func load_theme(theme: ConfigFile): |
# Text |
var theme_font = DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(theme.get_value('text', 'font', 'res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Fonts/DefaultFont.tres')) |
text_label.set('custom_fonts/normal_font', theme_font) |
text_label.set('custom_fonts/bold_font', DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(theme.get_value('text', 'bold_font', 'res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Fonts/DefaultBoldFont.tres'))) |
text_label.set('custom_fonts/italics_font', DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(theme.get_value('text', 'italic_font', 'res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Fonts/DefaultItalicFont.tres'))) |
name_label.set('custom_fonts/font', DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(theme.get_value('name', 'font', 'res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/Fonts/NameFont.tres'))) |
var text_color = Color(theme.get_value('text', 'color', '#ffffffff')) |
text_label.set('custom_colors/default_color', text_color) |
name_label.set('custom_colors/font_color', text_color) |
text_label.set('custom_colors/font_color_shadow', Color('#00ffffff')) |
name_label.set('custom_colors/font_color_shadow', Color('#00ffffff')) |
if theme.get_value('text', 'shadow', false): |
var text_shadow_color = Color(theme.get_value('text', 'shadow_color', '#9e000000')) |
text_label.set('custom_colors/font_color_shadow', text_shadow_color) |
var shadow_offset = theme.get_value('text', 'shadow_offset', Vector2(2,2)) |
text_label.set('custom_constants/shadow_offset_x', shadow_offset.x) |
text_label.set('custom_constants/shadow_offset_y', shadow_offset.y) |
# Text speed |
text_speed = theme.get_value('text','speed', 2) * 0.01 |
theme_text_speed = text_speed |
# Margin |
var text_margin = theme.get_value('text', 'margin', Vector2(20, 10)) |
text_label.set('margin_left', text_margin.x) |
text_label.set('margin_right', text_margin.x * -1) |
text_label.set('margin_top', text_margin.y) |
text_label.set('margin_bottom', text_margin.y * -1) |
# Backgrounds |
$TextureRect.texture = DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(theme.get_value('background','image', "res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/backgrounds/background-2.png")) |
$ColorRect.color = Color(theme.get_value('background','color', "#ff000000")) |
if theme.get_value('background', 'modulation', false): |
$TextureRect.modulate = Color(theme.get_value('background', 'modulation_color', '#ffffffff')) |
else: |
$TextureRect.modulate = Color('#ffffffff') |
$ColorRect.visible = theme.get_value('background', 'use_color', false) |
$TextureRect.visible = theme.get_value('background', 'use_image', true) |
# Next image |
$NextIndicatorContainer.rect_position = Vector2(0,0) |
next_indicator.texture = DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(theme.get_value('next_indicator', 'image', 'res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/next-indicator/next-indicator.png')) |
# Reset for up and down animation |
next_indicator.margin_top = 0 |
next_indicator.margin_bottom = 0 |
next_indicator.margin_left = 0 |
next_indicator.margin_right = 0 |
# Scale |
var indicator_scale = theme.get_value('next_indicator', 'scale', 0.4) |
next_indicator.rect_scale = Vector2(indicator_scale, indicator_scale) |
# Offset |
var offset = theme.get_value('next_indicator', 'offset', Vector2(13, 10)) |
next_indicator.rect_position = theme.get_value('box', 'size', Vector2(910, 167)) - (next_indicator.texture.get_size() * indicator_scale) |
next_indicator.rect_position -= offset |
# Character Name |
$NameLabel/ColorRect.visible = theme.get_value('name', 'background_visible', false) |
$NameLabel/ColorRect.color = Color(theme.get_value('name', 'background', '#282828')) |
$NameLabel/TextureRect.visible = theme.get_value('name', 'image_visible', false) |
$NameLabel/TextureRect.texture = DialogicUtil.path_fixer_load(theme.get_value('name','image', "res://addons/dialogic/Example Assets/backgrounds/background-2.png")) |
var name_padding = theme.get_value('name', 'name_padding', Vector2( 10, 0 )) |
var name_style = name_label.get('custom_styles/normal') |
name_style.set('content_margin_left', name_padding.x) |
name_style.set('content_margin_right', name_padding.x) |
name_style.set('content_margin_bottom', name_padding.y) |
var name_shadow_offset = theme.get_value('name', 'shadow_offset', Vector2(2,2)) |
if theme.get_value('name', 'shadow_visible', true): |
name_label.set('custom_colors/font_color_shadow', Color(theme.get_value('name', 'shadow', '#9e000000'))) |
name_label.set('custom_constants/shadow_offset_x', name_shadow_offset.x) |
name_label.set('custom_constants/shadow_offset_y', name_shadow_offset.y) |
name_label.rect_position.y = theme.get_value('name', 'bottom_gap', 48) * -1 - (name_padding.y) |
if theme.get_value('name', 'modulation', false) == true: |
$NameLabel/TextureRect.modulate = Color(theme.get_value('name', 'modulation_color', '#ffffffff')) |
else: |
$NameLabel/TextureRect.modulate = Color('#ffffffff') |
# Setting next indicator animation |
next_indicator.self_modulate = Color('#ffffff') |
var animation = theme.get_value('next_indicator', 'animation', 'Up and down') |
next_indicator.get_node('AnimationPlayer').play(animation) |
# Saving reference to the current theme |
_theme = theme |
## ***************************************************************************** |
## ***************************************************************************** |
func _on_writing_timer_timeout(): |
# Checks for the 'fade_in_tween_show_time' which only exists during the fade in animation |
# if that node doesn't exists, it won't start the letter by letter animation. |
if get_parent().has_node('fade_in_tween_show_time') == false: |
if _finished == false: |
text_label.visible_characters += 1 |
if text_label.visible_characters > text_label.get_total_character_count(): |
_handle_text_completed() |
elif ( |
text_label.visible_characters > 0 and |
text_label.text[text_label.visible_characters-1] != " " |
): |
emit_signal('letter_written') |
else: |
$WritingTimer.stop() |
func start_text_timer(): |
if text_speed == 0: |
text_label.visible_characters = -1 |
_handle_text_completed() |
else: |
$WritingTimer.start(text_speed) |
_finished = false |
func _handle_text_completed(): |
$WritingTimer.stop() |
_finished = true |
emit_signal("text_completed") |
func align_name_label(): |
var name_padding = _theme.get_value('name', 'name_padding', Vector2( 10, 0 )) |
var horizontal_offset = _theme.get_value('name', 'horizontal_offset', 0) |
var name_label_position = _theme.get_value('name', 'position', 0) |
var label_size = name_label.rect_size.x |
if name_label_position == 0: |
name_label.rect_global_position.x = rect_global_position.x + horizontal_offset |
elif name_label_position == 1: # Center |
name_label.rect_global_position.x = rect_global_position.x + (rect_size.x / 2) - (label_size / 2) + horizontal_offset |
elif name_label_position == 2: # Right |
name_label.rect_global_position.x = rect_global_position.x + rect_size.x - label_size + horizontal_offset |
## ***************************************************************************** |
## ***************************************************************************** |
func _ready(): |
reset() |
$WritingTimer.connect("timeout", self, "_on_writing_timer_timeout") |
text_label.meta_underlined = false |