You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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extends EditorInspectorPlugin
var TimelinePicker = preload("res://addons/dialogic/Other/")
var dialogic_editor_plugin = null
var dialogic_editor_view = null
func can_handle(object):
# We support all objects in this example.
return true
func parse_property(object, type, path, hint, hint_text, usage):
# We check for this hint text. It would look like: export(String, "TimelineDropdown")
if hint_text == "TimelineDropdown":
# We handle properties of type string.
if type == TYPE_STRING:
# Create an instance of the custom property editor and register
# it to a specific property path.
var picker =
picker.editor_inspector_plugin = self
add_property_editor(path, picker)
# Inform the editor to remove the default property editor for
# this property type.
return true
return false
func switch_to_dialogic_timeline(timeline: String):
if (dialogic_editor_plugin != null):
var master_tree = dialogic_editor_view.get_node('MainPanel/MasterTreeContainer/MasterTree')