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tool |
extends HBoxContainer |
var editor_reference |
var image_node |
var image_label |
func _ready(): |
$ButtonDelete.icon = get_icon("Remove", "EditorIcons") |
func _on_ButtonDelete_pressed(): |
if $NameEdit.text == 'Default': |
$PathEdit.text = '' |
update_preview('') |
else: |
queue_free() |
func _on_ButtonSelect_pressed(): |
editor_reference.godot_dialog("*.png, *.svg, *.tscn") |
editor_reference.godot_dialog_connect(self, "_on_file_selected") |
func _on_file_selected(path, target): |
update_preview(path) |
$PathEdit.text = path |
if $NameEdit.text == '': |
$NameEdit.text = DialogicResources.get_filename_from_path(path) |
func _on_focus_entered(): |
if $PathEdit.text == '': |
image_label.text = 'Preview - No image on this portrait entry.' |
image_node.texture = null |
else: |
update_preview($PathEdit.text) |
func update_preview(path): |
image_label.text = 'Preview' |
var l_path = path.to_lower() |
if '.png' in l_path or '.svg' in l_path: |
image_node.texture = load(path) |
image_label.text = 'Preview - ' + str(image_node.texture.get_width()) + 'x' + str(image_node.texture.get_height()) |
elif '.tscn' in l_path: |
image_node.texture = null |
image_label.text = '[!] Can\'t show previews of custom scenes.' |
else: |
image_node.texture = null