# Updating to 1.3 1.3 has brought some big changes, and a few changed the behavior in a way that might break some older code of yours. This was mainly due to the removal of the DialogicSingleton as well of the implementation of a new saving system. Here is everything you need to do to successfully updated (as far as we know): ## 1. Updating and removing the Dialogic Singleton - Make a full project backup just in case you lose some data while upgrading - Disable the current installed Dialogic plugin (Project Settings/Plugins) - Remove the `/addons/dialogic` folder from your project - Remove the DialogicSingleton (Project Settings/Autoloads) - Paste the new Dialogic 1.3 into the addons folder - Enable the new Dialogic from the plugin menu (Project Settings/Plugins) ## 2. Remove the reset_saves argument in Dialogic.start() The Dialogic.start() function no longer has a reset_saves argument, so you will have to get rid of that, wherever you used it. Instead you will have to use Dialogic.load() when your game starts and Dialogic.reset_saves() if you want to reset the definitions. Learn more about the new saving system [here](./Saving.md). ## 3. Remove Dialogic.start_from_save() This can now be done with by calling Dialogic.load() and then Dialogic.start(''). You can add a default timeline (used if nothing could be loaded) as the second argument: ` Dialogic.load() var dialog = Dialogic.start('', 'Chapter1') ` ## 4. Check autosave setting The autosave settings have been removed in favor of a single one. Check if you want it to be enabled, because it is on by default. ## 5. Learn the new saving system There are some more less straight-forward changes to the saving system (no set_timeline() anymore) so I suggest [learning how it should be done now](./Saving.md). Good luck! ## 6. Redo the typing audio If one of your themes used the typing audio effects, you will have to redo it with the new and improved system.