# Audio Events *The Audio Event and Background Music Event are very similar, so they are explained together* ![image](./Images/audio_event.png) The `Audio Event` can be used to play sounds. In contrast, the `Background Music Event` is supposed to play long pieces. There can always be only one background music, but it can fade from one to the next. ## Options First of all you can select the audio file that should be played. You can clear this selection with the garbage icon. Then you can set a `AudioBus` to use and a preferred `volume`. More about AudioBus' [here](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/audio/audio_buses.html). The `Background Music Event` additionally has a option for the fade length. ## Looping Audio? Actually the `Audio Event` doesn't loop. In godot looping of audio is mostly due to how you imported it (default for .ogg files). To solve this: 1. Select your audio file. 2. Go to the import tab (it's next to the scene tree tab by default) 3. Uncheck the loop checkbox. 4. Hit re-import.