tool extends ScrollContainer # store last attempts since godot sometimes misses drop events var _is_drag_receiving = false var _last_event_button_drop_attempt = '' var _mouse_exited = false # todo, getting timeline like this is prone to fail someday onready var timeline_editor = get_parent() func _ready(): connect("mouse_entered", self, '_on_mouse_entered') connect("mouse_exited", self, '_on_mouse_exited') connect("gui_input", self, '_on_gui_input') func can_drop_data(position, data): if data != null and data is Dictionary and data.has("source"): if data["source"] == "EventButton": if _last_event_button_drop_attempt.empty(): timeline_editor.create_drag_and_drop_event(data["event_id"]) _is_drag_receiving = true _last_event_button_drop_attempt = data["event_id"] return true return false func cancel_drop(): _is_drag_receiving = false _last_event_button_drop_attempt = '' timeline_editor.cancel_drop_event() func drop_data(position, data): # add event if (data["source"] == "EventButton"): timeline_editor.drop_event() _is_drag_receiving = false _last_event_button_drop_attempt = '' func _on_mouse_exited(): if _is_drag_receiving and not _mouse_exited: var preview_label = preview_label.text = "Cancel" set_drag_preview(preview_label) _mouse_exited = true func _on_mouse_entered(): if _is_drag_receiving and _mouse_exited: var preview_label = preview_label.text = "Insert Event" set_drag_preview(preview_label) _mouse_exited = false func _input(event): if (event is InputEventMouseButton and is_visible_in_tree() and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT): if (_mouse_exited and _is_drag_receiving): cancel_drop() func _on_gui_input(event): # godot sometimes misses drop events if (event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == BUTTON_LEFT): if (_is_drag_receiving): if (_last_event_button_drop_attempt != ''): drop_data(Vector2.ZERO, { "source": "EventButton", "event_id": _last_event_button_drop_attempt} ) _is_drag_receiving = false