tool extends "res://addons/dialogic/Editor/Events/Parts/" # has an event_data variable that stores the current data!!! ## node references onready var texture_rect = $Box/TextureRect # used to connect the signals func _ready(): pass # called by the event block func load_data(data:Dictionary): # First set the event_data .load_data(data) # Now update the ui nodes to display the data. if event_data['background']: if not event_data['background'].ends_with('.tscn'): emit_signal("request_set_body_enabled", true) texture_rect.texture = load(event_data['background']) else: emit_signal("request_set_body_enabled", false) if editor_reference and editor_reference.editor_interface: editor_reference.editor_interface.get_resource_previewer().queue_resource_preview(event_data['background'], self, "show_scene_preview", null) else: emit_signal("request_set_body_enabled", false) # has to return the wanted preview, only useful for body parts func get_preview(): return '' func show_scene_preview(path:String, preview:Texture, user_data): if preview: texture_rect.texture = preview emit_signal("request_set_body_enabled", true)