# Condition Event ![image](./Images/Event_Condition.PNG) The `Condition Event` allows you to have certain parts of your timelines only played under certain conditions. ## What's a condition? In programming and games a condition is mostly described by variables (in dialogic called `definitions`). This means that you can check for a definition to have a certain `value` and only then play the following events. ## The settings You can set your condition by first selecting the `value definition` that should be compared, then selecting the `type of comparison` and lastly the `value` that should be compared to. Only the comparison types `Equal to` and `Differnt from` work with strings, the rest is supposed to work with integers (whole numbers). You can also enter the name of a `value definition` in the input field. This it will compare to the current value of that `value definition`. ## Adding events You can then add new events below the Condition Event and they will be indented and only be played when the condition is true. ## Ending a condition Every condition needs to have an [End Event](./013.md). After that event, all following events will ignore the condition again. When creating a Condition Event a End Event will be added too. *Note: You can of course have conditions inside conditions. Just make sure to have the same amount of End Events*