# Voice Line Support You can add audio to your text events! Here's what you have to do: ## 1. Settings In dialogics `Settings` window enable audio for Text events. I recommend to also create a `new audio bus` for your voice lines. If you do this right now and select it as the default bus (the next setting), you wont have to select it everytime. Having a seperate bus allows you to control the volume and effects of the voice lines seperate from your other audio. ## 2. Adding audio to your Text events Now when you see a Text or Question event, you should find, that it has a new section called 'Audio Pickers'. For each line (except if "New lines create extra messages" is off) you will find an Audio picker. You can select the `audio file` you want to play while that line is shown. You can also change `volume`, `audiobus` and an `audio region` (the second to begin at and the one where to end). Leave both audio-regions at 0 to play the whole file. Great! That's all you need to know.