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# Character Editor
The `Character Editor` is used to setup the characters of your story. Here you can learn more about the editors settings.
## Names
### Name
The first setting is the characters name. This is the name that you will see in all the menus and by default it's the one displayed when the character is speaking.
### Display Name
You can change what name is shown when the character speaks by enabeling and setting the `Display Name`.
### Nicknames
By default all occurrences of the characters name in texts are colored in the characters color.
*This can be disabeled in the settings.*
By using the `Nicknames` feature you can add additional names that will also be colored. Just enable the Nicknames box and then add all Names that should be colored as a `,`-seperated list.
## Color
Here you can set the characters color. This is the color that the characters name will be colored in texts (if not disabled).
You can also use this color to be used in themes for the `Name Label`.
*Can be found as 'Use character color', in the Name Label section*
## Description
This is just for you to take notes. It has no effect on your game.
## Portraits / Expressions
This is probably the most important section. Here you can load in all the images of your character. Give them useful names as it will make it easier to use them!
You can also import a whole folder of images with the **`Import images from folder`** button.
## Preview
On the right you can see a preview of the currently selected portrait.
## IMPORTANT nearly hidden settings
Below the preview there are three easy to miss, but very usefull settings:
### Scale
Changing this allows you to scale the portraits down. Do this is the portraits turn up way to big in your game.
### Offset
Allows to add some basic offset that will be added to your character.
### Mirror portraits
This will mirror all of your portraits. You can then use the mirror option of the `Character Join Event`.