# Temperature Logger This is a little program I wrote to talk to an Arduino over USB serial to read temperature and relative humidity values using a DHT11 sensor, and put then in a SQLite database. ![arduino and screen listing temperature and humidity readings](image.jpg) `main.c` is the PC program that does the logging (printing to stdout). It just reads printed messages from the serial port `USB0`, and writes them back into a SQLite3 database. It automatically creates the database and tables if they don't exist (making it do that was 90% of the work). `arduino.ino` is the Arduino IDE project that reads from the hardware using the Adafruit sensors library. The arduino code is very arduino which isn't too nice since sine its such a tiny project pulling a lot of dependencies but I guess that's fine. Re-writing the DHT11 library would probably be interesting to do. ### Compiling For `main.c` run `make` For the `arduino.ino` track down the Adafruit DHT11/DHT22 library, import it and build the project in the Arduino IDE.